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3 days (2 nights)
  1. 1Day 1 Treviso

    Meals included: dinner

    Meeting of the participants in Milan. Boarding the coach and departure for the city of Treviso. Stops for refreshments along the way. Arrival in the city of Treviso, one of the most beautiful cities in Veneto, enclosed by Roman-era walls and surrounded by the slow-flowing rivers Sile and Botteniga that encircle and traverse the city. Free time for lunch. In the afternoon, a guided walking tour of the city. The heart of the city is Piazza dei Signori, where the Palazzo dei Trecento and the Civic Tower are located. Not far away stands the elegant Loggia dei Cavalieri, decorated with chivalric scenes. Via Calmaggiore leads to the Cathedral, which houses frescoes by Pordenone and Titian’s altarpiece of the Annunciation. The Dominican church of San Nicolò and the Chapter Hall, frescoed by Tommaso da Modena, as well as the medieval churches of San Francesco and Santa Lucia, are also worth a visit. Adding to the city’s charm are the picturesque views of Buranelli, the Fish Market, and Ponte Dante, at the confluence of the Sile and Botteniga rivers. The city offers dreamlike moments to those who love to stroll leisurely and sit for a while in an osteria or small venue to savor the delicacies of the Treviso area. Check-in to the reserved room hotel (4 stars). Dinner and overnight stay.

  2. 2Day 2 Marostica / Castelfranco Veneto / Treviso

    Meals included: breakfast, dinner

    Departure by coach to the town of Marostica, a charming walled city in the province of Vicenza, famous for its fascinating medieval castle, the delicious cherries that bear its name, and the unique and unmissable spectacle of the live chess game with human characters staged every two years. Guided tour of Piazza Castello, known to everyone as Piazza degli Scacchi, bordered by splendid historic palaces. The center of the square is marked by the Liston, a raised stone pavement built in the second half of the 15th century, on which the chessboard, the protagonist of the great event, is placed. An interesting visit to the Lower Castle (entrance included) includes the Courtyard of Arms, the Loggia, the Noble Floor, the historic pharmacy of Prospero Alpini, the Venetian and Austrian prisons, the Captain’s Room, and the rampart walk. The castle also houses the Museum of the Costumes of the Chess Game and the Armory of the Game. Here you will have the opportunity to see costumes and weapons used by the actors during the historical reenactment. Free time for lunch. In the afternoon, departure by coach to the city of Castelfranco Veneto, enclosed by a fascinating wall, where you can still breathe the atmosphere of a past rich in history. Guided tour of the city; walking through the alleys you will encounter picturesque views and prestigious buildings such as the Teatro Accademico (entrance included), designed by architect Francesco Maria Preti in 1746, and the Palazzo del Monte di Pietà, the only source of loans for the poor of the city and surrounding villages until the 20th century. Known worldwide as the birthplace of Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto lives in the myth of this extraordinary and enigmatic artist of the 15th century, considered the mysterious genius of light and color, of whom only a few precious works remain. The house that hosted this extraordinary character is now the Museum Casa Giorgione (entrance included), where the Frieze of the Liberal and Mechanical Arts, the only fresco attributed to him, is preserved. The most famous work of the Master is the Castelfranco Altarpiece, which can be admired in the Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta, inside the Costanzo Chapel (entrance included). But it is at sunset that Castelfranco shows its most suggestive side when the illuminated castle becomes a fairy-tale presence, best admired while sipping a glass of wine in one of the many venues in Piazza Giorgione or strolling along the elegant Corso XXIX Aprile, with its ancient palaces. Return to the hotel in Treviso. Dinner and overnight stay.

  3. 3Day 3 Vicenza / Milano

    Meals included: breakfast, lunch

    Breakfast. Departure by coach to the city of Vicenza. Upon arrival, guided tour of the city adorned with majestic architecture that testifies to the greatness of one of the greatest masters: Andrea Palladio. Among his works stands the airy Piazza dei Signori, the Palladian Basilica (interior), and the splendid Loggia del Capitanio. Other works that characterize the face of the city and that will be seen only on a panoramic tour include Palazzo Chiericati (home of the Civic Museum and Art Gallery), Palazzo Barbaran da Porto (home of the Palladio Museum), Palazzo Valmarana, and many other palaces in Venetian style. The tour will include a visit to the Church of Santa Corona and the Cathedral. The tour will then continue to a hill overlooking the city where the Basilica of Monte Berico is located, a place of spirituality that houses precious works, including a painting by Paolo Veronese. Lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon, return by coach to Milan

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